Boiled Peanuts
Boiled peanuts are a traditional snack in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, northern Florida and Mississippi. They are pronounced “bald peanuts” by diehard Southerners. Sitting by the roadside on a summer day, Chatting with my messmates, passing time away, Lying in the shadow underneath the trees, Goodness how delicious, eating goober peas! Peas! Peas! Peas! Peas! Eating goober peas! Goodness how delicious, eating goober peas! – from the song “Goober Peas” – written in 1866 with words by A. Pindar and music by P. Nutt The cooking time of boiled peanuts varies according to the maturity of the peanuts used and the variety of peanuts. The cooking time for a “freshly pulled” or green peanut is shorter than…
Payday Bars
Payday Bars are seriously just as delicious as the “real” thing.
Rocky Road Squares
Rocky Road candy traditionally uses peanuts and miniature marshmallows. This recipe also uses sweetened condensed milk to make a very creamy candy.
Kung Pao Chicken
Spicy chicken with peanuts, similar to what is served in Chinese restaurants. It is easy to make, and you can be as sloppy with the measurements as you want. Substitute cashews for peanuts, or bamboo shoots for the water chestnuts. You can add red bell peppers and other veggies as you desire. You can’t go wrong!