Savory German Bierock Buns
This recipe for Bierock Buns eliminates the need to make yeast buns from scratch. It can also be made with frozen dinner rolls.
Country Captain Chicken
Country Captain Chicken originated in the British Raj in India. In the 19th century, British trade ships in India, were called “Country Ships” and their captains were known as “Country Captains.” Country Captain Chicken was a popular dish at their tables and got its name through this association. This dish made its way to Savannah, Georgia, and to this day Georgians claim it as their own, even though it’s Indian!
Gringo Nachos
Unlike regular nachos, these are served as an entree. Melty cheese covers roasted potatoes, bacon and caramelized onions. The amounts are as desired.
Barbecue Bacon Cheeseburgers with Sauteed Onions
A superb sandwich consisting of a ground beef patty, covered with bacon, barbecue sauce, sauteed onions and cheese.