Linda’s Exotic Chicken Salad
This is my personal recipe which was submitted to Oregon Fruit for one of their contests many years ago. I won a set of four beautiful coffee mugs! This recipe is still featured on their website.
Almond Joy Brownies
If you love Almond Joy candy bars, you are sure to love these brownies. The marshmallow topping is delicious.
Dresdner Stollen
A recipe from our friend, Aggie, who brought it back from Germany after being stationed there for a long while with her Army husband.
Devils on Horseback
There are so many variations of Devils on Horseback that we are giving you a couple variations in this recipe. Choose the ingredients that appeal to you. If you like oysters, try their angelic sisters, Angels on Horseback. Variations Goat’s cheese, bleu cheese or cream cheese are excellent substitutes for the smoked almonds. You don’t need to use a lot of cheese…just enough to close the prunes or dates securely. Prosciutto may be substituted for the bacon.
Almond Stuffed Bacon Wrapped Dates
These Almond-Stuffed Bacon-Wrapped Dates are a real delight. You may want to double or even triple this recipe as they go fast!
Rocky Road Squares
Rocky Road candy traditionally uses peanuts and miniature marshmallows. This recipe also uses sweetened condensed milk to make a very creamy candy.
Country Captain Chicken
Country Captain Chicken originated in the British Raj in India. In the 19th century, British trade ships in India, were called “Country Ships” and their captains were known as “Country Captains.” Country Captain Chicken was a popular dish at their tables and got its name through this association. This dish made its way to Savannah, Georgia, and to this day Georgians claim it as their own, even though it’s Indian!