Superfine Sugar (Caster Sugar)

Superfine sugar is used in some baked goods, cocktails and meringues.


  • Food processor (with metal blade)
  • Clean kitchen towel


  • Granulated sugar


  1. Measure the granulated sugar in the amount called for in the recipe. Add a little extra granulated sugar since some of it will turn to dust. Pour it into a food processor fitted with a metal blade. Cover the food processor lid with a kitchen towel. This will keep most of the sugar dust inside the food processor.
  2. Process the sugar at high speed for about 1 to 2 minutes. The exact time will depend on the quantity of sugar and your processor, but stop before the sugar crystals turn into powder.
  3. Let the sugar dust settle for 10 to 20 seconds, then remove the towel and lid.
  4. Superfine sugar is now ready for use in baked goods, cocktails and meringues.
  5. Store it as you would regular sugar.