Perfect Omelets
There are a few simple tips that will help you make a perfect omelet.
An omelet is a dish that can be served any time of the day or night, but they are most commonly eaten for breakfast or brunch.
An omelet can be made with everything from bacon to fish to raspberry jam. And, of course, what’s an omelet without an assortment of fresh vegetables?
Consider the Skillet
Here is the most important tip of all. You must use a nonstick skillet. Cast iron also works well if it is seasoned (cured) properly. For a 2-egg omelet an 8-inch skillet is recommended while a 10-inch skillet is recommended for a 3 egg omelet. Do not attempt to make a giant omelet (more than 3 eggs). Instead, make several smaller omelets.
What Oil Should I Use?
The oil used is critical to preventing the omelet from sticking to the skillet (in addition to running a spatula around the edges as the omlet sets). Almost any type of cooking oil may be used but select one with a high smoking point. Butter generally has a low smoking point and it tends to discolor the omelet, making it unappetizing. lt will also smoke at a low temperature. We recommend corn oil, canola oil or peanut oil. Coconut oil is extremely popular, but it has a medium-high smoking point, so you will have to use a little precaution when using it. Clarified butter will produce a cleaner tasting omelet. To make it, melt one stick of butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Remove from the heat and use a ladle to skim the fat, leaving the clear butter. Set aside.
The Cooking Temperature
Place the skillet on the stove set at medium high. Add 1 tablespoon cooking oil or clarified butter (also known as ghee) and allow to get very hot (a drop of water in the skillet should immediately sizzle). Reduce heat to medium and add eggs. Reduce heat again to medium low when the eggs show no more liquid on top.
Cooking Technique
Whisk your eggs with a little cream, about one tablespoon per three eggs. After placing the eggs in the skillet, don’t touch it for about 20 seconds. As the eggs set (dry and firm around the edges), lift the omelet edges with a spatula and tilt the skillet to allow the liquid eggs on top to pour onto the skillet. Continue this procedure until there is no liquid showing. As the eggs set, you should be able to get the entire omelet to slide freely back and forth in the skillet by running the spatula around the edges. When the eggs are firmly set (solid, with no liquid egg on top of the omelet) lift one side of the omelet with the spatula and fold the omelet in half. Remove to a plate immediately.
The entire cooking time will vary according to the size omelet you are making but a 2 egg omelet should only take about two to three minutes. Avoid over-cooking or your omelet will be tough and rubbery. You are looking for a slight brown coloring on the bottom side as it cooks.
Adding Ingredients
You can put practically anything in an omelet. Here’s the rule: use ingredients that compliment each other. For example, sausage with onion and bell pepper or shrimp with parsley and cocktail sauce or salmon with dill weed or ground beef with chili powder, onions, tomatoes and jalapeno pepper. Get the idea? Don’t combine ingredients that you would not normally put together in any other dish.
Any meat and firm vegetables (celery, onions, broccoli, carrots, etc.) should be cooked separately in advance to soften before adding to the omelet. You should add the ingredients as soon as the eggs are almost completely set (the last 10 seconds of cooking before folding the omelet).
Serving Your Omelet
The final tip is to serve the omelet hot. Cold eggs are not very appetizing. You can hold an omelet hot by placing in a glass baking dish and covering loosely with aluminum foil, then place in the oven set on low (150-200 degrees F.). But don’t leave in the oven too long or your omelet will dry out and become rubbery. Since it only takes a few minutes to cook an omelet, you should be able to make four in less than 10 minutes if you have all the ingredients prepared in advance.
Follow these simple tips and you will be making a perfect omelet every time.
- Prep any vegetables you will use.
- Lay out any other filling ingredients, such as cooked meat. herbs or spices.
- Whisk eggs with cream until you see a little foam.
- Heat oil or clarified butter over high heat.
- Lower heat to medium, and add eggs.
- Tilt skillet so that liquid runs to the sides.
- When eggs are set, cook for 2 more minutes.
- Put filling on top, and cook for another minute.
- When the eggs are sold, fold the omelet in half.
- Continue to cook for a minute on each side.
- Plate the omelet, and serve with any toppings desired.