Linda’s Exotic Chicken Salad
This is my personal recipe which was submitted to Oregon Fruit for one of their contests many years ago. I won a set of four beautiful coffee mugs! This recipe is still featured on their website.
Strawberry Pretzel Salad
This is such an unusual salad. It has been around for a long time, and it is still much-loved. Many serve this as a dessert. In my opinion, it is more of a dessert than a salad.
Ranch Dressing and Dip Mix
This versatile mix can be used to make a dressing for salads, a dip for fresh veggies, or topping for baked potatoes.
Classic Watergate Salad
Classic Watergate Salad, also referred to as Green Goddess, Pistachio Pineapple Delight or Shut The Gate Salad or colloquially as Green Goop, Green Fluff or Green Stuff. Regardless of what you call it, we call it delicious! This vintage recipe was developed by Kraft in 1975.
Five Cup Fruit Salad
This has been a quick and easy favorite in our family for years. For special occasions we use colored miniature marshmallows.
Loaded Baked Potato Salad
Your favorite baked potato in a delicious salad!
Creamy Egg Salad
The addition of one non-traditional ingredient makes this Creamy Egg Salad to die for!
Basic Dressing with Variations
You can make 11 different salad dressings from this basic salad dressing recipe.
Party Cherry Salad
A delicious salad covered with a blanket of cream cheese snow, then topped with a gelatin layer – perfect for the holidays. Margaret Marie Roth always had this on her Thanksgiving and Christmas tables.
Caponata (Aubergine Salad)
A delicious eggplant salad from Italty.