Dresdner Stollen
A recipe from our friend, Aggie, who brought it back from Germany after being stationed there for a long while with her Army husband.
Bayerische Leberkloese (Bavarian Liver Dumpling Soup)
I don’t care for liver, but I do love liver dumplings. These are truly delicious.
Sachertorte (Chocolate Torte)
This recipe was invented by Franz Sacher, once a Viennese court cook. Viennese homemakers like to bake a Sachertorte to accompany afternoon coffee, and they usually serve it decorated with whipped cream. It is traditional to write “Sacher” over the top of the cake.
Savory German Bierock Buns
This recipe for Bierock Buns eliminates the need to make yeast buns from scratch. It can also be made with frozen dinner rolls.
Roast Pork with Potato Dumplings
Roast Pork with Potato Dumplings is one of our all-time favorite comfort foods.