Pecan Pralines
Pecan Pralines – our favorite candy from the deep South.
Southern Boys Crab Cakes
These crab cakes are simply delicious for all their simplicity.
Air Fryer Okra
In addition to being very tasty, okra is packed with nutrients. One of them is vitamin C – about 36 percent of the daily recommended amount. Air fryer okra uses much less oil than frying in the skillet.
Sawmill Gravy
Rumor has it that this gravy according to Joe Dabney, author of the cookbook, Smokehouse Ham, Spoon Bread and Scuppernong Wine, dates back to the Treemont Logging Camp in the Blue Ridge Mountains at about the dawn of the 20th century. After cooking biscuits for the loggers in camp, the cook didn’t have enough flour left to make gravy. So, the cook substituted coarsely ground cornmeal. The loggers asked what kind of gravy it was, and the cook replied that he had made it from sawdust. From there on out, the loggers started calling it…sawmill gravy.
Green Beans, Ham and Potatoes
This is a great southern dish. We’ve found it’s best served with cornbread.
Chocolate Gravy
Chocolate Gravy has been a favorite in the south for years.
Linda’s Corn Pudding
This recipe is about as southern as you can get. It’s a marvelous accompaniment to any meal with chicken, turkey or goose.
Boiled Peanuts
Boiled peanuts are a traditional snack in Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, northern Florida and Mississippi. They are pronounced “bald peanuts” by diehard Southerners. Sitting by the roadside on a summer day, Chatting with my messmates, passing time away, Lying in the shadow underneath the trees, Goodness how delicious, eating goober peas! Peas! Peas! Peas! Peas! Eating goober peas! Goodness how delicious, eating goober peas! – from the song “Goober Peas” – written in 1866 with words by A. Pindar and music by P. Nutt The cooking time of boiled peanuts varies according to the maturity of the peanuts used and the variety of peanuts. The cooking time for a “freshly pulled” or green peanut is shorter than…
Collard Greens
Collar Greens are a common side dish in the South. In addition to being delicious, they are good for you.
Benne (Sesame Seed Cookies)
Delicious Sesame Seed Cookies from the old South.