Sachertorte (Chocolate Torte)
This recipe was invented by Franz Sacher, once a Viennese court cook. Viennese homemakers like to bake a Sachertorte to accompany afternoon coffee, and they usually serve it decorated with whipped cream. It is traditional to write “Sacher” over the top of the cake.
Two Ingredient Fudge with Variations
Two-Ingredient Fudge with Combinations is the easiest, creamiest and tastiest fudge you will ever make. You can throw this fudge together in a matter of several minutes so you can have your fudge any time you feel like it.
Basque Sheepherder’s Bread
We like to serve the whole loaf of Basque Sheepherder’s Bread at the table, letting guests tear off what they want, and dipping into single servings of warm olive oil infused with herbs (Italian Bread Dip). The bread shown was baked over an open fire, out on the range using hot coals on top and bottom of Dutch oven.
Benne (Sesame Seed Cookies)
Delicious Sesame Seed Cookies from the old South.
Avocado Butter
Avocado “Butter” is wonderful for spreading on whole grain or sourdough toast. See below for more serving suggestions. Serving Suggestions After spreading on toast, top with thin tomato slices. Slather on baked or broiled salmon. Slather over burgers. Over your favorite meat – steaks, chicken or fish. Use in wraps, such as veggie wraps or burritos. Use in many types of sandwiches. Serve with a fried egg on top of the toast.
Hennessey Pecan Cinnamon Rolls
Hennessey Pecan Cinnamon Rolls are like none other you’ve ever tasted!
Charlie Gitto’s St. Louis Toasted Ravioli
This fabled recipe comes from Charlie Gitto’s restaurant in St. Louis’s Hill neighborhood.
Favorite Dressing
This is one of the dressing recipes I make at Thanksgiving. If you don’t care for hot Italian sausage, then just substitute the mild sausage.
Payday Bars
Payday Bars are seriously just as delicious as the “real” thing.
Blooming Onion with Creamy Chili Sauce
Of course, you can dip your onion into any sauce you desire, but this creamy chili sauce can’t be beat!