As with many Mexican dishes, regional and family variations are quite common. Usually, chilaquiles are eaten at breakfast or brunch. This makes them a popular recipe to use leftover tortillas and salsas.
1 tablespoon oil
2 eggs
4 dry, hard corn tortillas, cut into 6 wedges
1/2 cup salsa verde (green salsa) or 1/2 cup salsa rojo (red salsa)
1/2 cup Cotija cheese, Oaxaca or queso fresco, divided
Garnishes (use one, all or none)
Diced red onion
Sliced avocado
2 tablespoons sour cream
1 tablespoon chopped fresh cilantro (optional)
The drier the tortillas are, the better they will be in this dish. If time allows, you can cut the wedges ahead of time and let them dry out.
You can use either homemade salsa or store bought.
Photo credit: (c) Can Stock Photo / fanfo
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